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Reasons to Vote Hiruy for County Council


Reasons to Vote Hiruy for County Council

Hiruy Hadgu

He is not accepting contributions from developers, because he knows the county council exists to represent the citizens.

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His campaign does not rely on establishment support.

As an engineer he takes a data-centric approach to public policy.

He is a citizen advocate running a grassroots campaign, and will fight for the residents of Howard County.

He is a champion for stronger adequate public facilities ordinance (APFO).

He doesn't just have policy positions, he's got a plan on how to fix the issues. Check out his platform for 'the preferred future' here:

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He is the only candidate calling for increased accountability, better department oversight and increased audit functions.

His platform includes providing a citizen's attorney for zoning & land rights issues.


As a county council member, he will push to reform the Planning Board,  because the will of the citizens should matter.

He is the only candidate proposing better opportunity for the county's future workforce.

His platform includes more affordable solutions for our older adult community to age-in-place.

He helped found IndivisibleHoCo – a grassroots organization to advocate for  progressive issues. #PeoplePower

He is endorsed by Run for Something (which is pretty cool).

As a millennial strapped with student loans, he understands the challenges that students & parents face in today’s economy.

He understands that local action is required to protect environmentally sensitive areas from development. Think Globally; Act Locally.

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As a progressive candidate with a platform for a better future, he’s been endorsed by Our Revolution.

He is on The People's Voice Howard County Ethics Ballot, which means he is a strong citizen advocate who won't take special interest money (but we already knew that).