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Thirty Days to Election Day


Thirty Days to Election Day

Hiruy Hadgu

Fundraising Update

I am pleased to announce that our campaign has raised nearly $4,565 through the second fundraising deadline of May 15, 2018.

100% of the contributions were raised from individual donors, with an average individual contribution of $67.


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After this fundraising cycle, it is abundantly clear who the developers and other special interests, including some establishment members of the party want to get elected.

Not only will I stand up to the developers and special interests by calling out their biased reports and flawed testimonies, I also fully intend to be an independent voice.

Historically, developers have gotten their way and continue to get their way from both political parties. 

Progressive values need an independent voice and I intend to be one.

Are You Registered to Vote?

It is often stated “the most important office is that of the citizen”.

When we as voters discharge this civic duty, we are sending an important signal to elected officials: “we are watching and paying attention”.

The 2018 primaries will be held in June.

Early voting: June 14th to 21st
Polling precinct locations: Find the locations here.

Election Day: Tuesday, June 26th.
Polling precinct locations: Find your location here.

Click here to check you voter registration status.

Summary of Campaign Endorsements

Over the past few months, our campaign has received endorsements from various organizations who agree with my platform.

They do not believe that developers should get special treatment and they endorsed my campaign because I do not accept developer contributions.

These organizations also know that I intend to be an independent voice in the council.